Player Code of Conduct

CODE OF CONDUCT                                                                                 

Expectations – Player Code of Conduct

You are playing as part of a team, not simply as an individual.  As such there are expectations as to how you conduct yourself both at training and at a game.

§  Play and train to the best of your ability:   this will benefit both yourself and your team.  Show commitment and focus – don’t waste your time and that of others including your parents, coach and team mates.

§  Be organised and prepared:    While training is important, so too is your school work.  Consider a timetable to help you manage the demands on your time.  You might need to limit time spent on other things like Xbox and Facebook.

§  Be a good sport:   Treat others as you would like them to treat you.  Applaud good play irrespective of whether it is from your team or the opposition.  Sport should first of all be fun – no one’s life depends on winning the game.

§  Respect the rules:   They are there for everyone’s benefit, not just some players some of the time.  Without them, there would be no game.

§  Respect the officials:   Referees and linesmen are human and will make mistakes, but just like you, they are trying to do their best and develop their skills also.  Without them, the game would be impossible.  If you have an issue with a decision, discuss it with your coach or captain at the break or at the end of the game.  You are NOT to approach the official yourself during the game.

§  Control your temper:    Abuse of officials or opposing players is NOT acceptable behaviour.  Abuse of your own team mates is totally unacceptable. It will be considered a serious breach of conduct.  If you have an issue with a team mate, please discuss the matter with the coach at an appropriate time and place.

§  Support and encourage your team mates:  Be positive no matter what the situation.  When spirit is down, encourage your team to keep trying and don’t stop until the final whistle is blown.

§  Follow instructions:   There is only one coach.  We cannot have players following instructions from well-intended parents and supporters, while ignoring the instructions of the team coach.  The coach will be considering the skills and attributes of all members of the team in preparing the game plan, and it is important that you follow and respect the instructions. 

§  Play for the team, not just for yourself:    Seeking individual glory at the expense of the team is not being a good team player, and does not represent ‘good’ football.

Expectations – Parent Code of Conduct

You are there to support your child and his team.  It is about them and not you, so please:

§  Be positive:    Encouragement from parents and supporters on the sideline can lift the team in a tight situation.  Please call only encouraging comments.  Criticism from the sidelines during a game will not help your child or any of his team mates – it is nothing but disruptive and will serve only to encourage and assist the opposition.

§  Respect the coach:     There is one coach only, whose game plan will be considering the team and its talents as a whole.  It is confusing to players to have instructions coming at them from the technical area and also from the sidelines, often demanding they do different things.  Please do not put players in a situation where they have to pick between you and the coach.  If you have an issue with the coach, please give the coach the opportunity to explain their position at an appropriate time.  Immediately before training or a game is not the time for such a discussion.  If the issue cannot be resolved, please discuss the matter with our Technical Director of Coaching.

§  Respect the officials:  We ask this of all players, team officials and parents.  The officials will not always get a decision right 100% of the time.  Please remember that they are human, and many are trying to develop their skills also, just like your child.  Abusing an official will not help the team, and is unlikely to inspire the official to see things ‘your way’.  If you believe that a match official was of a particularly poor standard, please address the issue with the coach or team manager at the end of the game.  There is protocol for a coach to lodge an official complaint with Football Queensland if considered necessary.

§  Respect the opposition:     You would not be happy to have someone scream abuse at your child, so please do not abuse opposition players.  Such behaviour may prove only to inspire the opposition and will create a potentially tense situation between supporters on the sideline.  There is no game without the opposing team, and good play should be applauded irrespective of which team is responsible.

§  Support the player:   Please help your child to achieve the most they can from the season by ensuring that the player makes training and games on time and prepared.  Encourage your child and assist them with matters such as time organisation.  Training is important, but school work even more so.  Hopefully with some planning both demands can be managed without concerns. 

§  Communication:   If there are any issues, please bring them to the attention of the appropriate person as soon as practical.   Often it is just a simple misunderstanding that can be quickly resolved.  Your first contact should be the team manager or coach.  If the problem is still not resolved, please contact the club by email, or


Code of Conduct – Coaching staff

§  Be fair and impartial, endeavouring as far as possible given limitations due to illness, injury or disciplinary reasons to provide equal playing time to all players.

§  Be reasonable in demands made of players.

§  Encourage respect for team mates, officials and opposing players.

§  Encourage respect for the rules of the game.

§  Never abuse or ridicule a player:  If there is an issue with a player, discuss it at an appropriate time, and NEVER in front of the team.

§  Be a good model of appropriate behaviour, especially with respect to game officials and opposing coach and team.  Abusing the referee or linesmen will not change a decision or assist the team’s cause in those 50/50 calls.  If your behaviour is disrespectful, than the players will follow your lead.  This is NOT acceptable.

§  Good communication with players and their parents directly or via team manager is essential to the well being of the team, and will assist greatly in avoiding discontent in the team.

§  Player feedback:  endeavour to provide each player with feedback as to their progress as a player – their strengths as well as area(s) they could work on to improve their play.  Players and parents should be told at the beginning of the season how you intend to provide feedback to players.


Code of Conduct – Club


§  Honest and transparent administration of the Club to the highest standard possible

§  Encourage and promote good sportsmanship by players, coaches and spectators

§  Promote respect for game officials and the rules of the game.

§  Endeavour to provide reliable means of communications with members, addressing their needs and concerns promptly.

§  Be a positive member of the Ipswich Community.

§  Provision and maintenance of fields and equipment for all members to an acceptable standard.


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